How Viable is Your Leadership? – Michal Fedeles
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How Viable is Your Leadership?

How Viable is Your Leadership?

A disconnected boss may not catch water cooler conversations turn sour until great employees start to flee the organization. A controlling boss will use power to squash these conversations and demand compliance. A complying boss will blindly follow the wishes of the big boss, ignoring the team’s disenchantment. A protecting boss will not act for the fear of exposing the limits of their leadership. Bosses whose actions are driven by fear – who lead by controlling, complying, or protecting their backs – cause others to feel progressively disempowered.

By trying to hide the limits of their effectiveness rather than leading boldly with their values, embracing development, and building deeper relationships, ineffective leaders put organizations – including themselves – in jeopardy. The viability of today’s organizations depends on weaving together the inspired, creative pursuit of business outcomes with continually engaging and empowering people.

Collective, collaborative leadership is the new organizational imperative. Through it, leaders at all levels – the fabric of every organization – are actively engaged and continuously developing to creatively approach progressively complex challenges together. To promote such effective leadership in your organization, do more of the following:

  1. Lead with humility. Openly, honestly admit that you have limits, that there are questions to which you do not have answers. Empower your team to solve problems with you. Scale your leadership.
  2. Deepen your connections. You are a human as well as a leader. Be genuinely curious about the lives, struggles, and aspirations of those you serve. Ask about their kids, or invite them over for a BBQ.
  3. Choose to be vulnerable. Offer kind feedback that promotes your team’s development, and ask for the same in return. Do it often – and make sure to take your colleagues’ sincere feedback to heart.

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