Engage & Personalize | Programs – Michal Fedeles
Engage & Personalize

    Engage & Personalize

    A Virtual Retreat
    March 28, 2025
    9-12 PST / 18-21 CET
    €50,00 EUR

    Whether you are a seasoned educator or you are new to teaching, this format lets you connect with others keen on exploring fresh approaches to making teaching powerful.

    A virtual retreat? Here is the idea:

    Set aside half a day to immerse in your own development, and let your company treat you (this is professional development, and your invoice will say so). Keep distractions (phone, email, kids) away, settle in a comfy spot (cozy armchair, quiet coffee shop, cabin in the woods), and bring your favourite drink (hot chocolate, tea, coffee).

    Join via Zoom, have your webcam and mike on, bring some paper or a tablet/phone for notes. If you have an outline for a class you are working on, bring it to see where you can take your ideas next.

    Have fun being playful as we explore powerful learning and teaching together – you want to come away with fresh ideas to try in your teaching, right? Let’s make the most of our time together!

    This virtual retreat's focus: Engage & Personalize

    Playfully explore ways to fully engage learners in your classes and being thoughtfully inclusive.

    All of us tend to engage with more ease, and learn better, when we are immersed in exploring something that is of interest to us, and that helps us pursue things we value. Teaching also gets much more satisfying once learners get ‘hooked’ and become actively involved in learning. The trick is focusing on both helping learners progress towards the intended learning outcomes, and creating the type of learning experience that engages, challenges, and intrinsically rewards learners. It all starts with conveying respect, structuring classes with all learners in mind, and helping everyone ‘stretch’ towards new possibilities.

    Join a small group of educators in discovering playful yet powerful ways of engaging learners. In this virtual retreat, we will:

    • Examine the roles of play, autonomy and agency in enabling powerful learning;
    • Practice conveying respect to learners, and building caring connections with them;
    • Experiment with powerful openings, closings, and real-world applications of learning;
    • Practice designing activities that pique all learners’ curiosity and interest; and
    • Explore other aspects of engaging learners relevant to educators and managers.