Get Comfy with Assessment | Events – Michal Fedeles
Get Comfy w/ Assessment

    Get Comfy w/ Assessment

    A Virtual Retreat
    December 20, 2024
    9-12 PST / 18-21 CET
    $53.00 USD

    Whether you are a seasoned educator or you are new to teaching, this format lets you connect with others keen on exploring fresh approaches to making teaching powerful.

    A virtual retreat? Here is the idea:

    Set aside half a day to immerse in your own development, and let your company treat you (this is professional development, and your invoice will say so). Keep distractions (phone, email, kids) away, settle in a comfy spot (cozy armchair, quiet coffee shop, cabin in the woods), and bring your favourite drink (hot chocolate, tea, coffee).

    Join via Zoom, have your webcam and mike on, bring some paper or a tablet/phone for notes. If you have an outline for a class you are working on, bring it to see where you can take your ideas next.

    Have fun being playful as we explore powerful learning and teaching together – you want to come away with fresh ideas to try in your teaching, right? Let’s make the most of our time together!

    This virtual retreat's focus: Get Comfy with Assessment

    Playfully explore ways to enhance the impact of teaching through assessment and feedback.

    Being successful as an instructor means enabling learning experiences through which learners leave each class having discovered or mastered something that matters – to them, to their organization, to the community. Assessment and evaluation of learning – often considered the least exciting side of education – can help both the teacher and the learners gain a deep appreciation for what has been learned, where further effort may be needed, and what form such effort may best take. It need not be formal or ‘scary’ to be a great help in supporting learning.

    Join a small group of educators in discovering playful yet powerful ways of assessing learning. In this virtual retreat, we will:

    • Make valuable distinctions between measurement, assessment, and evaluation;
    • Experiment with aligning assessments with intended learning outcomes and levels;
    • Practice asking questions that illuminate understanding and real-world application;
    • Pair assessment with tailored developmental feedback for individual learners; and
    • Explore other aspects of evaluating learning relevant to educators and managers.